Wednesday 20 February 2013

Ben's Straw House

On tuesday we had our first day of filming. Me and Lauren went to see a man about a straw house he had built in the bottom of his garden. We thought it would be intersting to ask him his motivations for building the house, who his inspirations were, what he planned to use it for in the future. It was made from a mixture of lime, sand and straw, with the inside furnished with reclained wood. The roof was also made into a green roof.

These are some of the pictures we took whilst filming. When filming we were stuck a bit for time because we were loosing the light so some of the shots were quite dark. We manged to get some good sunset shots of the houses and did a quick interview with Ben with the camera on a tripod. Then as he gave us a tour of the house we decided to put some moving shots in where I held the camera and followed him around filming specific things he was explaining. We then made sure to go back and do up close shots of for example the lime material and the starw walls to get more detail. When we finally lost the light we decided to take advantage of this by lighting a candle inside the house to create some atmosphere and create a cpsy warm feeling that you get from the house anyway when you look at it. We filmed the candle flickering in the wondow and then blew it out to add a final shot to the sequence. 

Overall I think I learnt how to cope with time constraints when filming , due to light fading and also Ben had to get back to studying so we had to think carefully about what we asked him. I think I learned how to use the camera appropriately and how to use a tripod. I feel like the trip was very successful and next week we will be editing the tape. 

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