Saturday 5 February 2011

Feedback from the food experiments

On friday we had a crit of our two week project about dispersal, DNA and molecular. The session was helpful because we were given the task of grading each others work (if it was a fail, pass, merit or distinction). I found that I was being too generous with my scoring because I wasn't taking in to account that when our work is marked properly we wont be there to tell the examiner what we did,  what we researched instead of concentrating on the evidence in front of me I asked the person a lot of questions which influenced my grading.

My work was picked as an example of a project that was a high merit level (which turned out to be a much higher grade than I expected). The feedback I got was that my sketch book included a lot of evaluative writing when looking at other artists work. They said that I had written down my own thoughts and opinions instead of just explaining the work of others which is a good thing as it shows my thinking and "you get an idea of alex" in the project- I interpreted this as I gave the project character and originality.

The only thing missing from my notes and research was critical evaluation of my work which for the final major project I will need to record in a log book.
Overall I think they liked my outcome because of my presentation and the theatricality of it. I presented it as if i were in a lab, myself wearing a lab coat and with my test tube experiments laid out in a line and labelled according to what was inside them. I think that the approach I gave this project was successful as I wasn't thinking of it as an art project but more of a science project. In the future I will definitely tackle more of my work like this because I think it is a way to be individual  and creative which t me is probably the most important thing when making work because in the real world the people that get noticed are the people that stand out and do things in a different way.  

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